Those who perform the Nāgārādhane on specific days shall attain wealth and well-being, prosperity of their progeny, gets rid of fear and malice from serpents and prosperity of all kinds. While performing the
Nāgārādhane the deity inherent in the Nāgās (serpents) in the form of Saṅkarṣaṇa accepts the service and favours. By worshipping the Aṣṭakula Nāgendras through pañcāmṛtābhiṣeka, śuddhakalaśa snāna,
gandhādilēpana, fragrant flowers like kētakī, aśoka, champaka; all desires of an individual gets fulfilled.
Śrī Nāga, the deity known as kāmadhēnu for the devotees, is the remover of the undesirous, giver of the desirous, and cures diseases like leprosy and so, also blesses with progeny, wealth and prosperity.
The Vedic rituals are initiated by the purōhitas (priests) by wearing a sacred thread while reciting mantras like “Pavitrantē”. Any Dharmic rituals would not commence without wearing the sacred thread. The
sacred thread is made of Darbha grass in the form of the hood of serpents, hence the rituals start by Nāgārādhane only.
The ‘Nāgārādhane’ is being performed since traditions as a great Dharmic ritual. Śrī Śēṣha, who is bearing the earth and also is a devotee and the seat of the omnipotent Viṣhṇu; worshipping the deity is a supreme duty in both the mundane and extra-mundane worlds. The rituals like ‘Nāgamaṇḍala’ have become the identity of the unique culture of coastal areas through the assimilation of folklores.
The scholars have explained the Vedic rules and regulations to please the deity through āślēṣabali sēvā, nāgatanuprasanna pūjā and the greatest of all the ‘Nāgamaṇḍala’ ritual.
The mahādōṣas such as diseases like leprosy, epilepsy, tuberculosis, pelvic pain, pain in the eyes, blisters, respiratory diseases, cough, schizophrenia, defects in fetus, infertility and so, which may be caused
by the deity’s rage or curse got in this birth or in the previous ones knowingly or unknowingly. The remedy for these is the ancient traditional ‘Śrī Nāgamaṇḍala’ ritual which is performed for the prosperity of
progeny, wealth and for the welfare of the world. This sacred, unique ‘Nāgamaṇḍala’ ritual is till date performed in a ceremonious way as per the prescribed rules with complete faith and devotion towards the
deity to obtain its blessings.
Śrī Nāgadēvatā Sannidhāna Sēvā Trust® has come into existence in 2008 in Bengaluru. It has engaged itself in performing the sacred Nāgārādhane rituals of the diety. It has also engaged in various rituals like
nāgapratiṣṭhe, nāgadarśana, sarpa saṁskāra, āślēṣābali, renewal and revival of the deity’s groves, Renovation / reconstruction of Nagadevatha temples & worshipping places, pratiṣṭhāṣṭhabandha, sahasra brahma
kuṁbhābhiṣēka, kūṣmāṇḍa tila pavamāna hōma, ṣōḍaṣa pavitra nāgamaṇḍalōtsava, etc.
Devotees can participate in the rituals personally with family members, friends & relatives. In case unable to attend personally, they can send their request from their place. Recorded videos during function
will be send through whatsapp and prasadam will be delivered by regular post. For this facility please register your name by providing your details. Registration form available in website. You can fill the
form directly or take print out and send filled form through email/regular post.
Devotes can avail the informations from our office regarding history of different ancient Naga Devata temples, dharmic rituals, facilities for pilgrims and other details. Arrangements will be made, after the
specified pooja at perticular temple sacred prasadam will be sent to the devotees on request. Contact us for collection of memorable articles from various temples.
‘Naga Devstanagalu’ an informative kannada book regarding Naga temples in the state is available with us. Which will be sent on request which is also available on CD format.
We hope the donors to encourage and support in this ambitions work and receive the blessings of the deity.
Office remain open between 10am to 2pm on all days except Sunday. Devotees can contact office between these hours. One can contact through whatts app also. (Whattsapp No. 9066990362). Devotees can contact
through our Email id.
We humbly request the devotees to generously donate in the name of Sri Nagadevata Sannidhana Seva Trust® through DD/Cheque and send it to the below mentioned address or
We will get touch with you.